
From Big Sister Minecraft Server
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Bryceio is a player who was whitelisted on April 26, 2014. Throughout his early time on the server, he resided in a tiny house in Spawnington. He later moved to Shuriken Island, and stayed there for a long time. During his time there, he built the foundation for Under Spawnington and helped to fix the old DRC blaze farm. He eventually founded Pallet Town and moved there. He has since worked on several other projects, including Port Au Pork on Pig Island

During the early days of the wiki, bryceio wrote a lot of the pages[citation needed]. For info on what articles Bryceio has worked on, see user:bryceio

Skin[edit | edit source]


Spawnington House[edit | edit source]

Bryceio's Spawnington house was a small underground area dug out for a tiny size that bryceio built very early on based on Right 5 of the Novice Creed, with the entrance being under the bridge at X:150, Z:350. The house was fairly empty and later was upgraded with some security measures. However, the small space and little room for stuff led bryceio to seek another home elsewhere.

Shuriken Island[edit | edit source]

Just wandering around one day, bryceio was invited by a player on Shuriken Island to check out their town. Liking the town, and seeing a house for sale, bryceio purchased it and moved in. The house was fairly simple, and bryceio added some modifications. An infinite water pool and auto-furnace were added to the upper floor, and a basement was built. While digging around, a skeleton spawner was discovered under the house, and a farm was built there. Later, ash02rom and another player moved into bryceio's basement.

Bryceio began to want more room to work on projects, but the island was fairly small and all claimed. Plans were currently being drafted on the server for an update in which the main builds of the server, contained in The Arc, would be moved to a new world on the Little Brother server. Shuriken Island was located outside of The Arc and was moved inside so it would make the move. The move was canceled, but it provided bryceio with an opportunity. Off of the island's west coast, there was now a large area of plains where the island had used to neighbor a desert. bryceio began construction of a house there, and later built more housing and farms for other players. This new area became Pallet Town in the time to come.

DRC Blaze Spawner[edit | edit source]

The DRC blaze farm had been around since the days of Dravic's server. bryceio often used this farm to get levels for enchanting and to earn cheese. However, the path to the farm from the spawn portal was dangerous and exposed, and the farm's mob crushing mechanism was not working. Bryceio constructed a large shell of cobblestone around the area that contained the blaze farm, and went to work to fix the wiring. After testing and building, the farm became fully operational. The area around this farm was slowly built up over time and eventually became known as Under Spawnington, due to it being Spawnington's nether area.

Under Spawnington[edit | edit source]

Under Spawnington is the area that the Spawnington nether portal leads to and is built up around the DRC Blaze Farm. Bryceio originally built the area to defend against ghasts, but added more things and protection over time. For more info see the page about it.

Pallet Town[edit | edit source]

After building up the area around his new house west of Shuriken Island, bryceio got the newly named Pallet Town founded on May 16, 2017, coinciding with the server's annual holiday "Cay Day" which celebrates the birthday of the once owner cayfie13. Pallet Town was a simple town with wooden and stone houses, a public farming area, and a 100x4x100 underground area that had been world-edited by Flammole. The town attracted a few players during its first few months, even some notable players, such as Night_Lord123 and KCCraft(AKA: KaCii).

Over time, Pallet Town was continually built up by bryceio. A barn was added to the public farms area, a SpookJams was built, pixel art of Red, Blue, and Mario were built in the river next to the town, an experimental floating island was built, and a Pokemart was under construction. However, overall, not much work was done on Pallet Town during this era, as bryceio was occupied by both school and Under Spawnington. It was around this time that plans were once again being discussed to update the server. This time, the plan was to ditch modded entirely and update to the latest version of 1.12.1.

The Update[edit | edit source]

When plans began to circulate around, with both the new owners and some moderators supporting them, bryceio was initially against the update. His initial thoughts were that removing the Gulliver mod would remove the charm of the server and would make it less interesting. However, bryceio came to realize that it may be the only way to attract new and old players, as the Gulliver mod had been stuck in 1.6.4 for several years, and players were beginning to grow bored and disinterested. The update came on July 3, 2017, and other than the owner, spookster1, bryceio was the first player to login to the new and improved server.

Pallet Town Updated[edit | edit source]

With the server updated, many new possibilities were opened up. Bryceio packed his things from his house and moved into a bunker deep below Pallet Town. New buildings were constructed in Pallet town, including: Town Hall and the Pallet Town Inn. A banner was designed for Pallet Town, and bryceio's old house was converted into the City Council Chamber and Courthouse. The player builderfish8 soon moved in, building a nearby Eevee pixel art and a house in the town. Bryceio made builderfish the first member of the council: Secretary of Construction. With the town in a good situation, bryceio started working on more projects.

Port Au Pork[edit | edit source]

Pig Island was an island that had been imported south of Pallet Town by ciabatta1. Eventually Cia commissioned DJCOOL2008 and bryceio to build a town on its eastern coast. The town was built and became known as Port Au Pork. DJ built most of the structures while bryceio funded the project, built the roads, built a Pallet Town Inn, and built the sanctuary.

Other Builds[edit | edit source]

While bryceio primarily works on Pallet Town and Under Spawnington, there are a few other builds around the server by bryceio.

  • Lavender Town: Lavender Town was built by bryceio for a Halloween build competition that was hosted by spookster1. It did not win the contest, but it still stands north of Pallet Town.
  • Anniversary 2017 Cake: After the last minute celebrations of the 2017 server anniversary, bryceio ended the day by building a giant cake that is based upon the Minecraft cake. The cake is made of red sand, white concrete, and red concrete. It can be found just east of Spawnington.
  • 2018 New Year Firework: On January 1, 2018, bryceio built a firework next to the anniversary cake to celebrate the beginning of the new year. The firework has a button on the bottom of it that, when pressed, plays a part of Auld Lang Syne and launches a firework. The lyrics can be found next to the button. In addition, a board of resolutions sits next to it for players to put their goals for 2018 up.

  • Minewells: a town built by bryceio and SuperSonicFan.

Misc. Info[edit | edit source]

This section is going to have a lot of miscellaneous information that doesn't fit in any other category. It's not in any order.

  • From August to October of 2017, bryceio was the monthly moderator on the Little Brother server.
  • In December, after his team of Spook, DJ, and himself won the 2nd UHC event, he was temporarily added as a member of the Little Brother Committee.
  • Early in the days after the July 3, 2017 Update, bryceio found the first woodland mansion on the server to the west of spawn.
  • Alongside his main houses over the years, bryceio also owns a house in the following cities: Micropolis, Micropolis 2.0, Ainacra, and Lon Lon Ranch.
  • While not an official title, bryceio is the President of the Nether after a campaign about keeping the nether clean in 2015/2016.

QnA w/ bryceio![edit | edit source]

  • Q: How did you get introduced to Minecraft?
  • A: A friend of mine, more of he was the brother of one of my sister's friends, came over one day and showed me this game on my computer. He played the old demo/classic version that used to be on the website. After a while, I got the Pocket Edition on my iPad, and I played it whenever I could, which is where the Amazing world is from that is featured in my videos on YouTube. Eventually, on the first day of 5th grade, a kid that sat next to me in homeroom brought it up. When I got home, I was able to convince my grandmother to buy me the computer version, around version 1.2 or so."

  • Q: Why did you join this server?
  • A: I used to watch a lot of Minecraft videos on YouTube, such as Ethoslab, Static, CaptainSparklez, etc. I was starting to get into mods, and I saw some compilations of "top 10 mods." A few of these contained the Gulliver Mod, and it interested me. I began to search for servers that had the mod, and I found this one. Honestly, looking back, I wouldn't have accepted my app if it had been presented to me, but I'm really glad that I was accepted.

  • Q: Got any games you'd recommend I play?
  • A: I'll go ahead and recommend just one game for now, but I'd be happy to recommend more if you wanna ask: Secret of Mana, a game for the SNES. While I understand that not everyone can get/use an SNES or SNES Mini, Secret of Mana is available on other platforms as well: Wii Virtual Console, IOS, Android, and future 3D ports to PlayStation and Steam. Secret of Mana is an old RPG by Square Enix, with a more live combat approach than some other games. You control one of three characters as you fight with weapons and magic through the story. It's also 2 player compatible once you add the other characters to your party.

  • Q: Can I ask more questions?
  • A: Yes, please do. If you'd like a question to be posted here with a response, please DM me on Discord.