
From Big Sister Minecraft Server
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While the server was not opened to the public until a few days later, the server anniversary is celebrated on October 15, the day ciabatta1 and cayfie13 purchased the server in 2013. The anniversary is a time for players to look back and see how far they and the server have come since the last year. Often, a build or two are constructed to celebrate around Spawnington.

2017 Anniversay[edit | edit source]

October 15, 2017 was what seemed like a normal day for players bryceio, lbjawesomeness, and spookster. However, as Spook was showing Awesomeness a SpookJams, he was asked if SpookJams could cater an anniversary party. Spook then realized what day it was, and proceded to pull together as much celebration as possible at such short notice. A large group of players gathered in a Discord voice chat and talked about memories of joining and playing together. The only thing built for this year was a large cake built by bryceio outside of Spawnington's eastern gate.

Happy Birthday!!!